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Book and cannabis report

My new book, Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis   is available in Kindle Unlimited as well as available for purchase on Amazon.

My old nursing school friend, Florence, read my book. She had so many kind words for me, I’m almost blushing as I write them. This is what she had to say: 

Just finished your amazing book. Not only are you one of the most courageous individuals I have ever known, but you are a gifted writer as well.   Your book is a valuable work of hope, courage, and very extensive information about a devastating disease; a gift to others suffering from RA.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I appreciate her kind words. I’m sure in her practice she saw what rheumatoid arthritis can do to a person. Medicine has changed and still has not changed. RA is still devastating for many.


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Woman, friend, mother, RN, photographer, gardener, writer, researcher, observer, swimmer. Pretty much the same as everyone else with my own little twist to things. RA, and three cancers and counting. Life is good despite the obstacles. It's worth the ride just to see the infinite variations of the human spirit.

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