RA journal
Comments 4

RA in New Mexico

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis in New Mexico.

Are there advantages to living in New Mexico with RA?

Sure there are.

The climate is high desert and very dry.

Humidity is tough for many situations.

It is frequently hard on the joints.

  Less humidity is a good thing.

Another one.

New Mexico is sunny.

Our brains love light.

Light helps to keep us happy.

RAers need happy help.

Sunflowers are like happy pills.

They make us smile.

New Mexico is a good place to have RA.

This entry was posted in: RA journal


Woman, friend, mother, RN, photographer, gardener, writer, researcher, observer, swimmer. Pretty much the same as everyone else with my own little twist to things. RA, and three cancers and counting. Life is good despite the obstacles. It's worth the ride just to see the infinite variations of the human spirit.


  1. I have rheumatoid arthritis and just moved from New Mexico to Dallas, Texas. Let me tell you, New Mexico is an awesome place to have RA! Every single time a storm rolls through, my joints at the and I feel awful! and storms come through just about every other week… That never happened in New Mexico! Thankfully it is warm here right now.


      • I think that meditation and limiting stress are really helpful. Water aerobics is very helpful for helping me to build strength and move around also. Several months ago, I had to be in a wheelchair as I could not walk due to pain, but now I can walk thanks to aerobics.


      • I am very happy to hear that the water helps you.
        I love the water too. I have had a hard time with energy.
        Once in the water, I could live there. It is changing and changing again that had been a problem for me. I am starting to feel better so hope to pursue water activities too. Thanks for sharing.


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